I am joining the Instant Impact Collaborative Cohort (IICC). We started with listing our greatest challenges, our greatest hopes, and a GIF that describes our current situation:
1. Greatest challenge: feeling both that I'm not doing enough and also feeling overwhelmed.
2. Greatest Hope: Revisiting my pedagogy to make my technology instruction more meaningful.
3. <---
Here is my introduction:
Hello all! I am located in a suburb of Chicago, IL, and my role is the school librarian, which in Corona time has become Instructional Technology Coordinator. We are currently virtual, but returning to a face to face model on Monday (which virtual learners continuing if families request it). My passions are reading, technology, teaching, kids, and collecting craft supplies (but not necessarily crafting 😂). I am hoping to experience learning and growth with colleagues and finding a mentor or mentors to help become a director of technology in a local district. I am also hoping to commiserate and laugh with all of you as we go through an unprecedented time. I could use with less unprecedented times, what about you?
Look for more IICC posts as I learn with my cohort and grow my technology practices.
Neha, so glad you've joined us in IC. I'm willing to bet you're not alone in the feeling of not doing enough and that you're probably doing more than you realize! I'm looking forward to going on this journey with you!