Monday, September 21, 2020

Avast Ye Mateys! Talk Like a Pirate Day!

As we get back into the Covid-swing of things, I wanted to add fun elements to learning different systems, and decided to use Pirates and Maps for this week!

In 2nd and 3rd group this week, we are reading The Night Pirates and then logging into CK12 and using an extension called Read-Write. 

The Night Pirates by Peter Harris is a light hearted and silly pirate story where a group of pirates steals the front a house, scares a bunch of grown up pirates, and finds the treasure! 

After we discuss that it was Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19, we then talk about what pirates say, and what they use. This brings us to the idea of maps and coordinates. Then I introduced and showed them how to use the CK12 text and Read-Write to read it to them. 

This is technically a 6th grade level text, but my gifted 2nd and 3rd graders enjoy the challenge: Coordinate Locations on a Map. It has math and social studies connections, and in 2nd grade they are working on a trip to the rainforest, and in 3rd group they go to camp, so I thought this was a great connection for both groups! 


It was also a BEAUTIFUL day, and we got to sit on our cloister and read the book aloud (at a 6 foot distance of course!) and get a little fresh air and a little of our wiggles out. I am going to try and incorporate more of this outdoor time when possible! 

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