Saturday, June 30, 2018

#SSoD: Maximizing School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning and Advocacy: Chapter 8

Saturday Save or Delete (#SSoD) Google Keep Post:
How many of you use Google Keep? I am a big fan, but end up with thousands of links, and nothing to really show for it. I also save things on Facebook, Instagram, my browser bookmarks, and more! These #SSoD posts are going to be a kind of pensieve to gather my thoughts in one place so I can come back to them!

#SSoD Post:
Maximizing School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning and Advocacy
Chapter 8

Written by Judi Moreillon
Posted: May 21, 2018 
Created: May 22, 2018
Read: June 20, 2018 

I thought these two sentences were key:
"One common task of school leaders is to ensure continuous improvement in teaching and learning."
"[School librarians] serve as “centralized” instructional partners who work with all school library stakeholders."

As a school librarian, I think it is often overlooked that I not only work with every student in the school, but every staff member, from custodian to head, English teachers to science teachers, and everything in between! Within this work, I learn the quirks of students and staff, remember their favorites, and try hard to find ways to engage them in learning and teaching. I try to remember to advocate for myself and my library program, and over the years, I have learned that yes, I have to be vocal, but I also have to plant the seed of thought into my coworkers, students, and parents heads that the library is important, and here's why. After reading this chapter, I think I am going to rework my "elevator" school library pitch, to incorporate more advocacy on their part, rather than just parroting what I might say: books are great, I love technology, into something like:

Mrs. Thakkar showed my class this book about folktales from the country my grandparents are from. I was able to learn more about them and spend time with them!

In library class we learned about bogus websites, can I tell you more about tree octopuses?

Or did you know that Bill Gates helped Ferdinand Magellan? 😉 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

#SSoD: Teachers: Summer Reading to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience

Saturday Save or Delete (#SSoD) Google Keep Post:
How many of you use Google Keep? I am a big fan, but end up with thousands of links, and nothing to really show for it. I also save things on Facebook, Instagram, my browser bookmarks, and more! These #SSoD posts are going to be a kind of pensieve to gather my thoughts in one place so I can come back to them!

#SSoD Post:
Teachers: Summer Reading to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience: Immerse yourself in these books to renew yourself for the coming school year.
Written by Elena Aguilar
Posted: June 16, 2017
Created: June 7, 2018
Read: June 20,  2018 

A list of 7 books that remind us to be resilient: "This summer, let books be your teachers. Let them teach you how to become more resilient, how to bounce back after adversity, and how to thrive (not just survive)." 

I read through the list and decided to put The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World by Jacqueline Novogratz on hold, in the hopes that it will help remind me how to understand and reach out to all types of people, especially refugees in light of the current political news; President Donald Trump’s policy to separate parents from their children as part of more aggressive prosecution of illegal immigrants.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

#SSoD: A Magical Summer of Reading - Welcome to the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge!

Saturday Save or Delete (#SSoD) Google Keep Post:
How many of you use Google Keep? I am a big fan, but end up with thousands of links, and nothing to really show for it. I also save things on Facebook, Instagram, my browser bookmarks, and more! These #SSoD posts are going to be a kind of pensieve to gather my thoughts in one place so I can come back to them!

#SSoD Post:
A Magical Summer of Reading
Welcome to the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge!
Get ready for the best and most magical summer ever!
Monday, May 7—Friday, September 7, 2018

Written by Scholastic Publishing
Posted: May 7, 2018 
Created: May 22, 2018

Read: June 10, 2018 

This one is pretty self explanatory - it's a summer reading program through Scholastic, with a Harry Potter theme! 

Originally, I thought I would share this would my students, but ended up sharing our local public library's program, at the Downers Grove Public Library, where my whole library journey began!