We had our first annual bookmark contest!
I talked about it in library class and sent out emails to teachers. I also gave every teacher 30 copies of the
entry form. Shout out to Kelly Cook for the awesome idea, and for sharing her entry form file!
The entry form said:
First Annual Bookmark Contest to celebrate
April’s School Library Month!
Design a bookmark in the space below using only black and white. We suggest practicing
in pencil first and then go over with a fine tip black marker or pen. We will be making
copies of the winning bookmarks!
Please return your entry to the Ogden East School Library by April 20th! We suggest you
stay within the theme "Unlimited possibilities @ your library®." Contest is open to
Grades PreK – 5. Two winners will be chosen from each grade and copies of their
bookmarks will be available in the Ogden East School Library during May!
The winners will receive a coupon for a free book (up to $11.00) at the Spring Book Fair!
Good Luck!
I was not expecting much, but we got about 60 entries and picked 12 winners! Here a few:
Here is one of our most excited winners:

She was so happy to show off her book fair certificate! Each winner received $11 for the book fair! (The number one is lucky in India, so I always try to include it!)
Here is our cutie-patootie spending her winnings!

Thanks for reading! Do you have a bookmark contest? Please share what you do! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!
Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar