Friday, August 14, 2015

Googlepalooza 2015 - Ctrl+K

I went to Googlepalooza 2015 today and yesterday! I learned a lot of stuff, including one thing that blew my mind: Ctrl K.

Ctrl K makes words linked!

For example, I want to link back to a post. I find the post. Then highlight and copy the URL:

Then I want to add the link. Let's say to these words: sharpies!

I need to highlight the words. 

Then click Ctrl+K. 

I can paste the link right there! 
Let's say to these words: sharpies! Ahh! Cool! 

Friday, August 7, 2015

September - Overview, procedures

In September, I spend A LOT of time working on procedures. This year, my plan is to teach how to go to the different centers or computer work, and focus on independent work.

I potentially will have 5th grade, so my plan is to have them learn how to log in to their Google drives. For K - 2, we'll do centers as usual

The plan for 5th grade:
Week 1 - Introduce self, set expectations, assign computers, go to Library Website. Explore. (If volunteers in place, checkout)

Week 2 - Review expectations, give out Google Drive log ins, go to assigned computers, practice logging in - have 2 - 3 activities for students. Explore drive, time to regroup and turn and talk at tables. Make Anchor Chart - Google Drive!
What we know --- What we want to know

Week 3 - Review expectations, go to assigned computers, log into Google Drive, explore, do survey, include what do you want to make. Checkout.

Week 4 - Review expectations, go to assigned computers, log in to Drive, according to survey, have students make X (doc/slide/form.), with end goals (below). Checkout.

Goals by November:

Slideshow on how to checkout,
Doc on how to log in to Google Drive,
Form to ask students favorite book

Ok, time to set up those things.

First, what are the expectations?

Independent Work:
1. Walk.
2. Whisper.
3. Ask 3 before me.

Classroom Work:

1. Be quiet in the library.
2. Listen to everyone with respect.
3. Walk in the library when you are moving around,
4. Raise your hand when you have something to say. Wait to be called on.
5. Whisper in the library when you are working or selecting books.

I may have to change somethings around, but I will start with these and can slowly let go of some things as we get to know each other. Previous experience has taught me to be overly strict and then slowly give up control as students learn their roles, I also like to give students autonomy but need structure at the beginning of the school year.

Now I need activities...I'm planning on something for SOAR (our online catalog), maybe a scavenger hunt? Google Doc, write what you did this summer, what is your favorite book? why? etc. Google form on what they did today? Padlet to share your own ideas, and talk about online etiquette?

Then if you get through all 3, a reward - game? Make your own something? Coding? Maybe I need to think this through...or just look at Pinterest? =)

Thanks for reading! How do you introduce Google Drive to your 5th graders? I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Getting ready for back to school!

Depending on who you ask, we go back to school sometime in the next 2 - 4 weeks =) 

Thinking about going back, I'm trying to get ready for the year overall:

September - Overview, procedures
October - Checkout, practice / review procedures 
November - Introduce / focus on nonfiction
December - Book fair / holidays
January - Library website / research
February - March Madness - Vote for your favorite author! 
March - Book mark contest
April - School Library Month! / Book Fair
May - Wrap up
June - Public library tie in and ways to keep learning over the summer!

Seems so simple! 

Thanks for reading! What does your year look like? I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Annual Bookmark Contest!

We had our first annual bookmark contest!

I talked about it in library class and sent out emails to teachers. I also gave every teacher 30 copies of the entry form. Shout out to Kelly Cook for the awesome idea, and for sharing her entry form file!

The entry form said: 

First Annual Bookmark Contest to celebrate 
April’s School Library Month!

Design a bookmark in the space below using only black and white. We suggest practicing 
in pencil first and then go over with a fine tip black marker or pen. We will be making 
copies of the winning bookmarks!

Please return your entry to the Ogden East School Library by April 20th! We suggest you 
stay within the theme "Unlimited possibilities @ your library®." Contest is open to 
Grades PreK – 5. Two winners will be chosen from each grade and copies of their 
bookmarks will be available in the Ogden East School Library during May! 
The winners will receive a coupon for a free book (up to $11.00) at the Spring Book Fair! 

Good Luck!

I was not expecting much, but we got about 60 entries and picked 12 winners! Here a few:


Here is one of our most excited winners: 

She was so happy to show off her book fair certificate! Each winner received $11 for the book fair! (The number one is lucky in India, so I always try to include it!)

Here is our cutie-patootie spending her winnings! 

Thanks for reading! Do you have a bookmark contest? Please share what you do! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Book Fair is coming! This is how we get ready!

Hi everyone!

Our 2nd book fair is coming and I made these a long time ago, but finally shared it on TPT! They are IB at the Book Fair posters! Enjoy!

I also have sort of a media blitz for our book fair this time!

I sent out:
4 weeks to Book Fair: April Calendar + info on the back
3 weeks to Book Fair: Nothing - week before Spring Break
2 weeks to Book Fair - Coloring sheet (online from Scholastic) + info on the back (same as April Calendar)
1 week to Book Fair: Classroom Wishlist (Color/draw/write choice) + info on how to purchase for Wishlist


On the back of all: 

I use these and put some up (have fast finishers do two (ask them very excitedly and they are usually happy to do it) and send the rest home. Great way to remind parents and students! Need these? Go to the Book Fair Blog Post Folder to find the Classroom Wish Lists (all 3 versions) and the Classroom Wish List instructions (back). 

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you get ready for the book fair! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!
Keep reading,
Mrs. Thakkar

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April Fools' Keep Coming Back!

I made some little April Fools' Day Jokes and one of my teacher's saw them on Facebook and then in the library the next morning and wanted her students to make their own too! 

This is what they came up with:


They are just so creative!

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you use this silly idea too! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading! 
Mrs. Thakkar

Friday, April 3, 2015

Magical Videos with Magisto

I will be presenting at Tech Talk on Magisto, and I made a little video to teach how to use it! Try it out at!

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you used Magisto! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading, 
Mrs. Thakkar

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Happy April Fools' Day!

I saw this idea on Pinterest:

I thought it was completely hilarious and wanted to do something I made up my own!
Our 2 most checked out easy fiction books [Fly Guy (Tedd Arnold)
and Gingerbread Man (Mike Lowery)] 
...had to combine them!
Our 2 most checked out fiction books [Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck (Jeff Kinney)
and Juliet the Valentine Fairy (Daisy Meadows)]...had to combine them!

My absolute favorite:

The whole board:

Want them? Click here! 
I realize that this probably goes against all kinds of copyright rules,
BUT all the works are cited in the document and after my signature!
I love all the author and illustrator ideas and wanted to play and share my new silly ideas!

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you use this silly idea too! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading! 
Mrs. Thakkar
Donate to Ogden Library's Current Donor's Choose Project today

Works Cited:
Arnold, Tedd. Hi! Fly Guy. New York: Scholastic, 2005. 
Bridwell, Norman. Clifford, the Big Red Dog. New York: Scholastic, 1985. 
Kinney, Jeff. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck. New York: Amulet, 2013. 
Meadows, Daisy. Juliet the Valentine Fairy. New York: Scholastic Paperbacks, 2009. 
Murray, Laura, and Mike Lowery. The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2011. 
Seuss, Dr. Horton Hears a Who! New York: Random House, 1954. 
Watt, Melanie. Scaredy Squirrel. Toronto: Kids Can, 2006. 
Willems, Mo. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. New York: Hyperion for Children, 2003.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Library Confessions

Our 2nd graders are starting an iMovie project. The students will teach how to use the library to our younger kids. I found this on one of the iPads and had to share. Put on the closed captions (CC) for all the secrets....


Kids are so funny... =)

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you are using iMovie or videos in the comments! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading, 
Mrs. Thakkar

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Aurasma Day 1

Ahhhhh! Technology, kids, and apps, oh my! It was chaotic, but so much fun to see our students come alive and share their knowledge and creativity! 

To start, each child was assigned a group and a role.
I used our Learner Profiles as groups/subjects, and had 10 groups. 

I had 3 roles - 
1. Videographer
2. Director
3. Recorder

I assigned all the groups and all the roles. 

When the students came in, I started with a short discussion of what an aura or aurasma might be. I then explained what it was and that we were going to make one! I showed my video. Then I split up the groups. Each was assigned an adult helper (I was lucky to have 2 parent volunteers that day, and the classroom teacher and myself, which helped split things up). Each group was given their learner profile and the instructions. 

Taking video!
First, each group read the directions. Each adult explained the roles. The recorder was to read the description of the learner profile. The videographer would videotape and hold the iPad. The director would say "action!", "cut", etc! Then they had to go to Aurasma, choose the video they just made, make it the aura and assign it a trigger (the picture on their learner profile). Then they were given their iPad and told to try it out! It. Was. Amazing!

By the end of it, we had students making videos on their favorite books and then making an aura! More to come on that later!

If you want to try it, try the handout and video!

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you are using Aurasma in the comments! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar

Aurasma: PreDay 1

Spent about 4 hours updating all my school iPads. 


Downloaded Aurasma to all of them and spent about 2 hours making a short video, a handout, and took LOTS of pictures! 


Short video (not the best video, but will get the idea across, plus we'll use Reflector in the library tomorrow)

More to come! 

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you are using Aurasma in the comments! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!

Mrs. Thakkar

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss: The Cat in the Hat Knows Where His Library Book Goes!

Tomorrow is Dr. Seuss's birthday! I didn't have anything planned, but then this idea came to me and I whipped it up for tomorrow!
Have the students look at their own books and write the call number. Then have the students think about the section and letter or number shelf. 

For example:

It may also be
Fiction:  F THA, Fiction, the T shelf 
Nonfiction: 921 THA, Nonfiction, the 900 shelf.

Yes, they are all my call numbers =) 

Want this?? I put it on TPT for free! Go get it! 

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you are celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday in the comments! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Proud of my new lists!

How many times have students said any of these?

"I don't know what to do."
"I'm finished. What should I do?"
"I'm finished, can I go on the computer?"
"I'm finished. I'm finished. I'm finished!" 

Or have you heard yourself saying:
"Write your name."
"Did you read the directions?"
"Did you write your sentence?"
"Did you draw a picture? Does it make sense?" 
"I sure hope there are no dinosaurs in the library . . ." (maybe this one is just me . . .)

Well, now you can point to #1. 

And they will know what to do:

And maybe I can spend more time finding new things to do when they are finished. I have already promised that one day, one of the choices will be computers. Soon to be made! 

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you remind kids in the comments! 
I would love to hear your wonderful ideas also! 

Keep reading, 
Mrs. Thakkar

Little Things Make Me Happy

Did this today to my iPads.
I realize I'm behind the times. 

There are tons of posts about how you should make the wallpaper the iPad number. 

I realized that instead of making all new numbers, taking off the old numbers, and re-taping the new numbers, I could just join the 21st Century and change the wallpaper! I made the labels on my computer, and just used the iPad to take a picture of the label (on the screen and all...just take a few seconds to focus the picture and they come out great)! Then I set that picture as the wallpaper. I did this for all 13 iPads and did a special "Mrs. Thakkar's Hub" label for my hub iPad so I know which is which! We'll see how it goes tomorrow! 

They now make me even happier than before!

They also match all my labels 
(the polka dot labels I got from Teachers Pay Teachers.) 

Editable Polka Dot Tags- BRIGHT polka Dot with Chalkboard-

I went back and forth for so long…they are totally worth it! I use Them. For. Everything!

They make everything cute and coordinated
and make me feel cute and 
coordinated...even though I am not at all... J

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you are organizing your iPads in the comments! 
I would love to hear your wonderful ideas also! 

Keep reading, 
Mrs. Thakkar

Make a tinyurl - 
Find a long cumbersome url?
Copy the url.
go to
Paste the url, name it if you want (
Send it to friends! 

I also use this when I want to send URLs to staff, students, or parents and don't want a missed period or slash to muck up the URL. This way there is less chance of mistakes and more chance of the intended audience viewing the intended content! 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Book Fair Reflection!

I wanted to send out a Thank You to all our parents and have students reflect and share with their parents their favorite part of the book fair. 
I made this:
One side has a thank you letter, thanking the parents and community and encouraging them to donate to our Donor's Choose.

Then on the back the students wrote and drew what their favorite part of the book fair was. 

Some adorable examples:
I love this ones' labels: 

 Gotta love those pointers! 

I love how this one has our Book Tree in it! And our super cool lights, they do look like they are on strings: 

Thanks for reading! Do you reflect on the book fair? Do you send a thank you note home? I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar