Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Aurasma Day 1

Ahhhhh! Technology, kids, and apps, oh my! It was chaotic, but so much fun to see our students come alive and share their knowledge and creativity! 

To start, each child was assigned a group and a role.
I used our Learner Profiles as groups/subjects, and had 10 groups. 

I had 3 roles - 
1. Videographer
2. Director
3. Recorder

I assigned all the groups and all the roles. 

When the students came in, I started with a short discussion of what an aura or aurasma might be. I then explained what it was and that we were going to make one! I showed my video. Then I split up the groups. Each was assigned an adult helper (I was lucky to have 2 parent volunteers that day, and the classroom teacher and myself, which helped split things up). Each group was given their learner profile and the instructions. 

Taking video!
First, each group read the directions. Each adult explained the roles. The recorder was to read the description of the learner profile. The videographer would videotape and hold the iPad. The director would say "action!", "cut", etc! Then they had to go to Aurasma, choose the video they just made, make it the aura and assign it a trigger (the picture on their learner profile). Then they were given their iPad and told to try it out! It. Was. Amazing!

By the end of it, we had students making videos on their favorite books and then making an aura! More to come on that later!

If you want to try it, try the handout and video!

Thanks for reading! Let me know how you are using Aurasma in the comments! I would love to hear your wonderful ideas!

Keep reading!
Mrs. Thakkar


  1. What a cool lesson! Perfect for some fun after standardized testing all month. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a cool lesson! Perfect for some fun after standardized testing all month. Thanks for sharing.
